Second International Conference on Architectural Conservation
Networking for partnership between Europe and Islamic World
IWAN Center for Architectural Heritage, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine
18 to 19 April 2010
Relationships between Europe and Islamic World have long been a driver for the mutual development of arts and sciences that historically flourished on both sides of the Mediterranean. Architecture with its bilateral integration potential between science and art is one of the most important disciplines to foster the global dissemination of creative human achievements. The conservation and preservation of architectural heritage is therefore a means not only to save buildings and sites but also to bring to future generations bright and productive outcomes of international cooperation.
Palestine is one of the most important countries where architectural heritage has for centuries exhibited this cultural symbiosis. However, this heritage is at present time the subjected for serious challenges which requires rapid intervention from the international community to save and protect it. This at a time where Europe has developed very sophisticated techniques and theories for heritage conservation and cultural dissemination.
Iwan intends to organize the Second International Conference on Architectural Conservation: networking for partnership and cooperation between East and West to consolidate relations of cooperation between Europe and the Islamic World and deepen the friendship between Palestine and Europe.
The conference will be in Gaza City from 18 to 19 April 2010 celebrating World Heritage Day.
This gives greater importance to the Conference and contributes to the international efforts caring for architectural heritage.
1- To strengthen cooperation between Europe and the Islamic World.
2- To enhance the friendship between Europe and Palestine.
3- To develop the Palestinian experience in the field of conservation, rehabilitation and management of historic buildings.
4- To build relations of cooperation in scientific research and conservation of building between the Palestinian and Europe institutions.
5 – To help the Palestinian people survive difficult circumstances they are facing.
1 –Impact of the relationship between Europe and the Islamic World on art and architecture.
2 – Experiences of partnership and cooperation between Europe and the Islamic world.
3 - Traditional architecture in Palestine and needs of conservation.
4 – Palestinian experience in architectural and urban heritage.
5- Strategies and policies in architectural conservation.
6- Techniques of architectural conservation.
7- Conservation and management of architectural heritage in areas of conflicts.
8- Integration of renewable energy in historical buildings and places.
Important dates
• Abstract submission 15/1/2010
• Announcement of accepted abstracts 1/2/2010
• Submission of complete papers 1/3/2010
• Final submission of papers 1/4/2010
Submit papers to:
Or contact Dr. Abdarahman Mohamed, Assoc. Prof. Urban Design and Planning & Director, IWAN Center for Architectural Heritage:
Tel: +972 (8) 2860700 EXT 2890
Fax: +972 (8) 2860800
Mobile: +972 (59) 8926027
President: Prof.Shafiq Jendiya /Dean-Faculty of Engineering
Organizing committee: Assoc.Prof.Abdarahman Mohamed/Director IWAN Center for Architecture Heritage
Scientific committee: Asst. Prof. Nader Al Namara Head-Department of Architecture Engineering
Institution: Islamic University of Gaza
ماشاء الله والله هذا شرف للجامعة الاسلامية بتنظيم هيك مؤتمرات لكن عندي استفسار هل بالامكان الاشخاص المهتمين بهذا المجال و الذين لديهم خبرة بمجال التاريخ و التراث المعماري ان يشاركوا باوراق عمل للاستفادة من الخبرات السابقة.......و شكرا